5 Ideas on Streaming Creative

Last night I told you that my next post would contain best practices for producing a good streaming spot. Then I got on my soapbox for two more posts. So without further delay here are said promised pointers:
1) Remember it’s a one-to-one conversation, treat it that way. Don’t yell, play crazy music beds, or other gimmicks that are used on traditional radio. If someone is listening in the office this could cause them to turn down and tune out your creative.
2) Give a clear call to action at multiple points in the spot. Make sure you evaluate this goal and make it clear to the listener. Nothing is more maddening than my staff coming to me with another client disappointed with the click-through rate (CTR) of their streaming campaign. Asked if the spot had a clear call to action I often get, nope just used their traditional spot. Huh, wonder why there are no clicks!
3) If you are selling services or high priced products think about incentives. I’m not saying slash prices, or even couponing; it can be as simple as a white paper. IE Top ten things you should know when XYZ happens, chat with someone now, take a break on us, check out our game…… The list could go on forever but think about why someone should stop what they are doing to click. Hint: I’ve read studies that put at work Internet usage around 2-3.5 hours, why not have them on your site.
4) A click is an interaction in today’s world. Just like in the past with brick and mortar locations cleanliness, easy of navigation, and ease of check out still hold true, it is just online. Once again it is maddening to have clients complain about bounce rates (web traffic that automatically exits upon entering a page or site) but when you look at their site it was created by their high school senior in 1999.
5) Storyboard, storyboard, storyboard. Why you ask? Know that guy at work that tells the same story or gives the same answer. Notice how the whole office mocks or jokes about him behind his back. Don’t let that be your ad creative. The listeners invited you in to have a conversation, don’t be the MLM friend and has the same conversation every time.
Hope these suggestions help you and your clients. As an industry we have to stop bastardizing creative. You get what you pay for.



A Digital Guy In The Radio Box - Templates Novo Blogger 2008